Choosing an Executor for a Deceased Estate

Choosing an Executor for a Deceased Estate

During your life, you gather different assets, from properties to vehicles and money. All these belongings represent a person’s estate. After the person passes away, their deceased estate should be divided and distributed by an executor. But, before this process starts, the executor should identify all assets including bank accounts, real estate, insurance policies, other investments and personal properties. They must make sure that all debts, fees and taxes are paid before proceeding with any distribution. Taking into account all the duties that should be performed, the question often asked is – who should be selected as an executor to ...

How to Sell a Deceased Estate Property

How to Sell a Deceased Estate Property

Deceased estate property sale is emotional and stressful, especially if it is a place where you have spent a lot of time or where you grew up. The process is complex and time consuming even if your dearest’s wish is well defined. An estate can include their house, investments, business, furniture and anything else they owned. Here, we will mention some things you should be aware of during a deceased property sale which will help you reduce stress and worry.   In the best case scenario, there should be a person who is responsible to carry out the ...

How to Handle Hoarder’s House

How to Handle Hoarder’s House

Many people have trouble parting with their possessions—even when they no longer need them. Yet some people take their keepsakes to the extreme, holding onto decades’ worth of receipts, newspapers, and other seemingly useless items. They have hoarding disorder—a mental health condition characterized by a compulsive need to acquire and keep possessions, even when they’re not needed. You have probably seen these homes on TV, all kinds of things, packed to the ceilings and almost impossible to move around the piles and piles of boxes and all kind of stuff. Hoarders usually have an inability to let go of ...

Hire Professionals to Help You Cope With Your Grief

Hire Professionals to Help You Cope With Your Grief

Whether you lose your spouse, parent, another family member or a friend, it is never easy. It is hard enough to be in their house without them, not to speak of clearing a deceased estate and their most personal belongings. Every little thing can be a painful reminder of your dearest and your loss which make sorting out your dearest’s possessions to be one of the most difficult moments when you are grieving. If you start cleaning it alone, are you sure that you have enough energy and time to finish the whole process? This is why you should find ...

Cleaning Out a Deceased Loved One’s Home

Cleaning Out a Deceased Loved One’s Home

Regardless of how well you prepare, cleaning out a deceased loved one’s home, bedroom, or even closet ranks among life’s most stressful experiences. It may be many months before you are emotionally ready to tackle the project depending on the relationship of the loss. Remember that just as each relationship is unique, so is each grief journey. Don’t let others judge you for how long (or short) the time period is before you feel ready to take on this task. . Before you begin the process, you will want to gather your supplies.Experts say it hastens the process if ...